Jim Morrison Tribute Show to Benefit Unruly Arts

TOLEDO, OH -The Jim Morrison Tribute Show to Benefit Unruly Arts. Phil Barone, localentrepreneur and owner of the Rosie’s Italian Grille, the Rolling Chef and president of theToledo Food Truck Association, will be performing with The Cruisers at a very special JimMorrison tribute concert - Jim is “Back from the Desert .” The Cruisers consist of 9 amazinglytalented musicians, Pat McDonagh on lead guitar, Pistol Pete Robinson on drums, Mikey BlueBarone on harp, Andrew Struve on bass, Zane Babylon on keyboards, Phil Barone as Jim, withan accomplished horn section led by Brad Sharp on horn, Bob Huff on trombone, and AndrewEwing on sax.The band will perform songs by The Doors, which can be enjoyed by all 18 andolder. Lights and special effects will be provided by the Wet Sun Light Show.

The show will begin at 8:00pm on Friday, December 22nd, 2017 at the historic Maumee IndoorTheatre, located at 601 Conant Street, Maumee, Ohio. Tickets can be purchased at the theatre andRosie’s Italian Grille, which is located at 606 N Mccord Rd, Toledo, Ohio. General admissions ticketsare $25 or VIP tickets priced at $45, which include 3 drink tickets.

All proceeds from the concert benefit the Unruly Arts at the Toledo Botanical Gardens, a studiowhere artists with developmental disabilities and others can come and pursue their need to work andcreate, communicate their vision and allow their voices to be heard through art. Their mission is toprovide a process oriented environment which is open to people of all ages and abilities to create artwithout restrictions or boundaries.

For more information please contact Phil Barone, Rosie’s Italian Grille or the Maumee Indoor Theatre. Contact information provided above.

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