Diocese of Toledo’s Fish Fry Guide (yes, its a real thing)

Here is a quick note from Daniel E.Thomas, Bishop of Toledo.

Greetings of this Holy Lenten Season! It is a great Lenten tradition that so many of our parishes host a Friday fish fry each Lent, offering parishioners and the broader community the opportunity to observe our Catholic abstinence from meat on Fridays, to support our local parishes and to nurture us in the communion of faith. Sit down or take out, perch or walleye, French fries or mac n’ cheese, your parish or the parish next door, we all enjoy viewing the options available in this annual “Lenten Fish Fry Guide.” As we make our way together through the 40 days of Lent, preparing to celebrate the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus, I invite you to stop in at one of our parish Lenten fish fries. As has been my custom, I will be marking my calendar to make a surprise appearance at some of them. Hope to see you! May these days of Lent draw us all into the saving mystery of our Lord. With prayerful good wishes, Sincerely yours in Christ Jesus,

Click here to see the Fish Fry Guide for 2020

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