Saturday, 10/28/2017 from 10am-2pm.
Trunk or Treaters will enter 5/3rd Field at the main entrance for FREE and route through the concourse along the first baseline and exit out the stadium in the outfield.
St. Clair Street will be closed to traffic and lined with cars from Taylor Automotive.
Every vendor will have an assigned trunk to decorate and hand out candy from their display.
After trick or treating up and down St. Clair Street, families will be routed to Hensville for HalloweenFest including . . .
- Face Painting
- Bouncy Houses
- Music
- Live Remotes on all stations
- Kids’ Costume Contest
- Pet Costume Contest
Rain Date: Sunday, 10/29/2017
Taylor Automotive
Kidz Watch
Kobe Bay
Splash Universe
Lial Catholic School
Metro PCS
Pet People/Lucas County Humane Society
Toledo Area Humane Society
Walt Churchill’s Market
Owens Community College
Call 419-244-8321 if you are interested in being a vendor.