Tori Spelling Gets Dragged And Her Kids Body-Shamed For Instagram Post

Celebrities with large followings on social media are able to make a little extra cash by putting products in their posts, however when they do it, they risk getting backlash from fans. Khloe Kardashian took a lot of heat for her recent promotion of a meal replacement shake and now, Tori Spelling is getting blowback for a photo she uploaded, but for the opposite reason.

The 45-year-old Beverly Hills, 90210 star posted a pic of two of her daughters eating Entenmann's Little Bites muffins, and her caption implied that the sweet treats are healthy. Tori wrote:

"This mom of 5 finds snack time a balancing act between pleasing my kiddos and feeling good as a parent about what I’m feeding them. #Ad Thank you @LittleBitesSnacks for being yummy and kiddo approved (my littles ❤️ the Chocolate Chip Muffins, Blueberry Muffins, and Strawberry Yogurt Muffins) while this mama bear is grateful that #lovelittlebites has no high fructose or corn syrup and is made with real ingredients like strawberries, blueberries, and bananas. PS- They are easy and mess free for little hands and great on the go! What is your kiddos fave flavor? #momwin"

Some commenters agreed with Tori but plenty of others took issue with her caption. Among the responses were:

“Empty calories with no nutritional value."
“This is HEALTHY for your kids?! Um no.”
“Same amount of sugar as a candy bar. You should definitely not be happy about feeding these to your kids. I know this ad is paying you, but kids should learn healthy eating before it’s too late. These are designed to be addicted because of the processed sugar."
"Yummm so nutritious!....not!"
"Literally one of the worst snacks you could feed your kids. Lol"
"Ya know what’s an easy snack??? Fruit and veggies!!!"
"Come on, Tori. These are NOT healthy!! They are processed with no nutritional value."
"Read the ingredients. They're garbage."

Other trolls used the opportunity to ruthlessly body-shame Spelling's 10-year-old and seven-year-old:

Unfortunately, Tori is no stranger to having her kids body-shamed. She previously spoke to Us Weekly about it, saying, "It's not easy. I have dealt with it forever, but when they say things about your kids, you're just like… 'What?' Everyone is so anti-bullying these days, but it feels like lately with celebrities, that doesn't apply. You can say whatever you want about celebrities and their kids, their family, but you can't say it anywhere else in any other profession."

As yet, Spelling hasn't responded to the shamers, and her post remains on Instagram. You can follow her here.

Photo: Getty Images

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