Candace Cameron Bure had to fend off some haters after she posted a set of photos of herself and husband Valeri Bure. After first deleting the noteworthy moment, she reposted. In one pic, he's seen kissing her cheek as she smiles dreamily. In the second one, he's seen resting a hand over her breast.“Sweet and spicy,” she captioned the post, before reminding her followers that she and her ice hockey player husband have been together for over two decades. “24 years and counting 😉.”
After receiving a barrage of negative comments on her initial post, the "Fuller House" took to her Instagram story to defend the picture. She said, "For all the Christians that are questioning my post with my husband's hand on my boob — my husband of 24 years — thinking it was inappropriate, it makes me laugh because it's my husband. We have so much fun together." To see the other pic, click here!